New Headquarters of the European Central Bank
Construction work at the new headquarters of the European Central Bank (ECB) is currently making good progress. It is located on the grounds of the former central wholesale market (Großmarkt) of Frankfurt. Part of the historical building known as the Großmarkthalle will be preserved and included in the new complex.
Work on the building site had begun as early as Spring 2008 but was stopped after no general contractor could be found. After this the tendering procedure was redrafted allowing bidders to make offers for individual lots rather than the whole project. Also different market conditions brought about by the global financial crisis may have helped the ECB to get companies aboard which previously were not interested. Projects in the Middle East and further abroad that offered better profitability were by then charged with higher risks or business opportunities had evaporated entirely.
In February 2010 construction work was resumed and the former Großmarkthalle was partially torn down to make room for the new structure that is to cut through the original landmark building, but will preserve some of the historical structure. Some of the torn down parts had already suffered damages in the Second World War and were rebuilt thereafter.
The photos on this page we conveniently taken by me on trips to work on the nearby Hanauer Landstraße.
Schlagwörter: Banque centrale européenne, ECB, en, Europäische Zentralbank, European Central Bank, EZB, Großmarkthalle