Archive for Mai, 2012

Had Leyland only got it together…

Old adverts have the tendency to become satire and this is no exception. It is, however, easy to ridicule the Leyland Princess (as the 18-22 Series was re-named shortly after its launch). The car probably never had it all together, but it was certainly different. It featured an in-line six-cylinder engine transversely mounted in the front driving the front wheels. This unusual layout was made possible by the fact that the transmission of the E-Series engine is placed in the sump underneath rather than on the end of the engine block, making it more compact than normal configurations. The Hydragas suspension system invented by Dr. Alex Moulton gave it a comfy ride and was in its day only rivaled by Citroën’s exquisite Hydropneumatic. Its Tardis-like interior was bigger on the inside than you would guess. And not least Dirk Gently drives one in his recent TV-incarnation, giving the Princess the credit as a classic she deserves. Had Leyland only got it together… it would have been a superb rival for its continental competitors.

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Griechisches Zitronenhühnchen

Griechisches Zitronenhühnchen


  • Hähnchenschenkel
  • Kartoffeln
  • rote Zwiebeln
  • Zitrone
  • Olivenöl
  • Hühnerbrühe
  • Knoblauch
  • Thymian


Eine Marinade aus Olivenöl und Zitronensaft (zu gleichen Teilen) und 2-3 gepressten Knoblauchzehen herstellen. Die Hähnchenschenkel mit Thymian, Salz und Pfeffer würzen und über Nacht im Kühlschrank marinieren.

In eine feuerfeste Form ½l Hühnerbrühe geben, darin geviertelte Kartoffeln und geviertelte rote Zwiebeln verteilen, die Hähnchenschenkel darauf legen und mit der Marinade übergießen. Bei 200°C im Ofen ca. 1 Stunde braten, die Hähnchenschenkel nach der halben Garzeit wenden und darauf achten, dass die Haut des Hähnchens zwar kross wird, aber nicht verbrennt (ggf. mit Alufolie abdecken).

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